Media & Awards
Awards Season 2018
2018 saw two SMP members that were singled out for recognition, and we’re very proud of both of them.
Our own Casper McWilliam was the recipient of the North Vancouver District Youth Civic Award for 2018 bestowed by His Honour Richard Walton in Council Chambers. One of our founding members, Peter Isaac, was awarded the Don Marsh Award at the 2018 Theatre BC North Shore Zone Festival of Plays.

May 2014
Little Grimley closed, but not before gaining critical acclaim at the Theatre BC’s North Shore Zone Festival of Plays including these awards from David MacKay, Festival Adjudicator:
- SMP was declared winner: Best Ensemble.
- The prestigious “Unsung Hero Award” in memory of Jim Brick was awarded to SMP’s Peter and Valerie Isaac for longstanding service with many North Shore theatre groups.
- Peter Isaac also garnered “Best Sound” for his Little Grimley soundscape.
- Judy Levitt was given an Honorable Mention for Best Actor, Female for her portrayal of Margaret.
- Martin Stuible was awarded the newly-minted “Rob Ford Award for Outstanding Substance Abuse (Bananas)” (Really!) given by Master of Ceremonies Darien Edgeler.
News Clips
View news clippings received over the years of presenting our productions to the public.
View the videos below or visit the Past Productions section to view available photography and video related to each Panto.
January 28th, 2012
Joe Arduini’s version of Cinderella (Rindercella)
October 14th, 2011
Gang of Eight